All Projects

4-10-2008_044.JPG Think Worry
3-26-2008_023sm.jpg Chairs For Carfax Nightclub
4-10-2008_059.JPG Embrace
861_6152.JPG FILO Torso
FILO Torso Drawings
4-10-2008_062.jpg URBAN Benches
4-10-2008_085.JPG URBAN Tables chairs and Benches
101_0185.JPG Nesting bench
Eng NGO 3.jpg Mining and Energy NGO
6-25-2010_027.JPG Chair for Changos restaurant
Table Commission for Kate Otten
3-28-2008_152.JPG OFF Cut Bench
4-10-2008_030.JPG The Lovers
Picture27777.jpg DJ 14 Changzhou mixed use Mixed Use Residential/Commercial China Apartment complex, Commercial, Retail, Urban Design, Urban Planning
ybin2_concept001.jpg AI 11 Yibin Dadipo 2nd Phase Hotel Concept China Commercial, Conference, Hotel, Mixed Use Complex, Office, Urban Design
Diapositivo24forsite.jpg AI 2 Suchan Equestrian estate China Apartment complex, Eco tourism, Housing Complex, Sports, Urban Design
基地商业整合36.jpg AI 5 YangZhong Commercial Facade China Commercial, Retail, Urban Design
Bild1.jpg AI 6 Wuxi Shinglimin landscape China Commercial, Landscape, Mixed Use Complex, Transport Orientated Design (TOD), Urban furniture, Urban Planning
Nanjing Sales Center to final3.jpg AI 12 Nanjing Hu Hang Shang Mao Cheng Sales Center China Commercial, Industrial, Office
Bild1.jpg AI 10 Nanjing Coal Docks reconversion China Commercial, Industrial, Interiors, Restoration, Tourism, Urban Design
Bild33.JPG DJ 28 Wuxi Shopping China Apartment complex, Commercial, Retail, Tourism, Transport Orientated Design (TOD), Urban Design, Urban Planning
hehai 2.jpg AI 9 Hehai Social Sciences Building China Conference, Education, Urban Design
Picture8.jpg AI 8 Nanjing Health Campus China Conference, Health, Industrial, Mixed Use Complex, Office, Public Sculpture, Restoration, Retail, Urban Design, Urban Planning
Yibin Club 1.jpg AI 7 Yibin Club house China Interiors, Landscape, Mixed Use Complex
c1.jpg Changos South Africa Commercial, Interiors
2 3.jpg Student Work Fifth Year South Africa
4-9-2008_041.JPG Student Work Modelmaking Third Year South Africa Landscape, Urban Design
3 4.jpg Student Work Third Year South Africa Mixed Use Complex, Urban Design
troyville house 4.jpg Troyville house South Africa Interiors, Landscape, Private Homes
3-27-2008_023.JPG Yeoville Pizzaria South Africa Interiors
Imagem1.jpg AI 3 Wuxi Metro Entrances Prototypical designs for 124 metro exits. China Commercial, Landscape, Public Sculpture, Transport, Transport Orientated Design (TOD), Urban Design, Urban furniture, Urban Planning
RibeiroReal-CamaraLobos_1r.jpg Ribeiro Real, Camara de Lobos Portugal Housing Complex, Interiors, Land/Subdivisions, Landscape, Private Homes, Urban Planning
CEM 2.jpg Madeira Business Centre(CEM) Portugal Commercial, Retail


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