Project Description: , Ponta Delgada- Cluster development for 14 houses with the land subdivision and two typologies.
Client: AldeiasiIlha, SA
Position: Project Architect
Responsibilities: Design drawings and documentation for the council approval of 14 houses in a private condominium with pool internal roads and infra-structures.
Responsibilities: Design and production of drawings and documents for Council approval. This was the second phase in the Faja de Baixo Urban master plan and land sub-division.
Project Description: Speculative low rise development
Client: AldeiasiIlha, SA
Position: Project Architect
Responsibilities: Master plan for land subdivision, rezoning and infrastructure. This followed by the design and documentation for the approval of 3 separate phases: Apartments, Townhouses and a Cluster Development
Project Description: This work is in progress as the urban infrastructures are still being completed.
Client: Rafael Vasconcelos
Position: Project Architect
Responsibilities: Design and production of drawings for four stands. Typical Design in plan, with variations of finishes on the facades to create variation.
Immediately after University I began working with a small construction company that designed and built projects. The scope of the works was mainly residential building.